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O u r   S t o r y...

F u n,  F a b u l o u s,  F r i e n d l y,


F a m i l y  o f  F a i t h!

G o.   M u l t i p l y.

T h e  B e g i n i n g:


The Simpson Family Ministries began when our "Army Brat" Christian children became Christian adults and couldn’t resist the call of God to fulfill Christ’s great commission . . . to go into the world and multiply His disciples.


A  N e w  O p p o r t u n i t y:


When the kids grew up and went off to college, they left equipped for the ministry.  They each had the priviledge to participate in and sometimes lead in many creative type ministries.


A  N e w  C h a p t e r:


After their time in college, each one continues to pursue the unreached for the sake of the gospel.  We recognize that we are only a part of the bigger story that God Himself is writing.  Our story represents the journey that God is leading us through.  Our story is of the "Hope" found in the gospel of Jesus Christ.



O u r  V i s i o n:


Blessed to be a Blessing.

We glorify God and make disciples by transforming lives, building relationships and impacting communities through Christ Jesus.

O u r  M i s s i o n:  


Pointing others to Jesus Christ.  

We encourage individuals as we travel in our minitry endeavors;  We are visionaries adding to the quality of deminisions in worship.  So much to do, and so little time.  We look forward to serving each of you together in Christ Jesus.

The Simpson family are people

you can depend on.

If you get in trouble, we shall defend. We are the one's that understand, 

always willing to give you a hand.  Our family, always cherish our friendships. 

We bring the laughter and joy, or sometimes we just simply annoy.  

Yes that's ok, since we really do care, many things with you, we will share. 


L o v i n g  L i f e.  

L o v i n g  G o d.   L o v i n g  P e o p l e.

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